Southern Town Park, 15th September 2012

Today was the second consecutive session at Southern Town Park. Due to the events of last week ruling out any pond digging on the adjacent allotments (see the blog entry for 8th September for details), the volunteers once again set about tidying up overgrown vegetation.
Despite a beautiful autumnal morning, there was a very minimal turn-out - only four Green-Gymmers this time.  We focused on the Eastern edge of the park, adjacent to Peep-o-Day Lane where traditionally much bramble over-growth has been observed.  

Indeed, once again, the areas around the perimeter fencing were in much need of tidying, and several trees required liberating from this persistent plant, lest they should become suffocated. Much care and attention was given to ensure that there was no disturbance to the local bird population of course.

Loppers, rakes and pitchforks were the tools of the day. Firstly, cutting back brambles with the loppers, then raking them into piles and lastly using the pitchforks to consolidate them into bigger stacks, ready for collection later on.

We may have been short on numbers, but we were big on enthusiasm and hard work and much was achieved as the photos below illustrate.  

vegetation cut back from the borders

much better!

the largest of three vegetation piles

Lesley and Robert reviewing their morning's work


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