Abbey Fishponds, 5th May 2012

This week we were at Abbey Fishponds helping the Abbey Fishponds group and we were very pleased to welcome a new volunteer to Green Gym.

The main task was laying woodchip on the main path through the reserve. The weather was much better than on the previous two Saturdays, though the ground was still quite muddy.

Other tasks included cutting back branches growing over the paths on the edge of the reserve and pulling up goose grass.

We also found quite a number of Himalayan Balsam seedlings in the reed bed area, which we uprooted in the hope of lessening the task later in the Summer.
- Eleanor

photos by Eleanor and Andrew:

Abbey duckpond!

transporting woodchip

laying the path

more path-laying operations

woodchip pile

pulling up goose grass

the completed path


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