
Showing posts from August, 2024

Jarn Heath, Boars Hill - Saturday, 24 August 2024

Blog by Sally.  Photos by Henry, Margaret, Michele and Sally You could be forgiven for thinking you are seeing double as we returned to Jarn Way on 24 August, but this time to focus attention on clearing part of Jarn Heath and along the bridleway that runs between the Heath and Jarn Mound, the latter of which had been the focus of our attention the previous week.  Rod d'Ayala, the consultant ecologist for Oxford Preservation Trust, had asked us to rake and cut back bramble (mainly) which was encroaching onto the pathway and bridleway and also dominating the understorey, preventing other plants from flourishing.  We were also asked to remove a dogwood cultivar - another plant in danger of taking over.   It's hoped that Jarn Heath will be restored to its former glory.  We know in the glade areas (or rides) where we have worked before in the past couple of years, that this year there were more violets and bluebells than there have been in the recent past - testament to clearing th

Jarn Mound, Boars Hill - 17th August 2024

Blog by Eleanor, photos by Sally, Kevin, Michele, Julio and Eleanor This Saturday we were at Jarn Mound, Boars Hill, part of the Oxford Preservation Trust portfolio. Jarn Mound was created in the early 20th century, as a means of employing people during the Depression. The earth dug out formed the mound and the resulting pit became the sunken garden. There is a steep flight of quite deep steps to the top and the climb was originally meant to afford a view of Oxford, but the trees have grown up since and blocked the view. The mound View from the railings at the top From the top, down to our encampment We were also joined by a Duke of Edinburgh's Award student and his father. Our main task was to rake the cut vegetation down from the slopes and pile it up at the base of the mound. Some people worked on the steps, cutting vegetation from the sides. Before - loads of work to do! Raking the mound Barbara, Rhian and Carolyn with rakes Susan raking Roger, Graham and Olivia pitchforking Wo

Abingdon Green Gym 20th Anniversary - Saturday 10th August - Hinksey Heights - Supplementary photos

 Photos by Kevin Here are some photos of the work clearing around the young trees in the dell and the tea break at the picnic tables by the lake. Clearing around the young trees Tea break

Abingdon Green Gym 20th Anniversary - Saturday 10th August 2024 - Hinksey Heights Golf Club and Nature Trail

 Blog by Eleanor, photos by Sally, Margaret, Julio, Eleanor and Julia (Sonning Common) The big day had come at last for Abingdon Green Gym's 20th Anniversary celebration at Hinksey Heights Golf Club and Nature Trail. The day was to take the form of a work party followed by a buffet lunch provided by the golf club caterers in the marquee. We had volunteers from Sonning Common and Chipping Norton Green Gyms, the TCV regional manager, Tim Hills coming to the work party and others joining us for lunch, including the landowner, John Brimble. Abingdon Green Gymmers arrived bright and early to prepare the tables in the marquee and hoist the banner. Making wildflower posies for the tables Soon it was time to go down to the overflow car park to meet our guests and brief them on the tasks. There were four main tasks: clearing the wildflower patch next to the start of the trail, cutting back overgrown vegetation from the sides of the path, clearing around the young trees in the dell and scyth