Boundary House Fen - Saturday 25th May 2024

Blog by Kevin, photos by Kevin and Michele, blog posted by Eleanor They say a picture paints a thousand words, but I'm not sure we can say that about Boundary House Fen, as the Green Gym tasks are the regular controlling of the reed beds to let more flora and fauna spread. We had six scythers available to cut the new reed shoots, to prevent them from establishing themselves in the fen. The fen, as you would expect, was very boggy, which makes movement a bit arduous when moving the cut reeds, some on to the stream to make the water spread out across the fen and the rest piled on the periphery of the fen. We were joined by Judy, the resident Biologist, with her net, to catch and log insects on the fen. Judy also spoke at coffee break time on the progress of the plan to dig a quarry nearby to excavate sand. This would have disastrous effects on the fen as it would affect the water table and cause flooding or lack of water as the fen has to have a delicate balance of not too much and ...