Hinksey Heights, Saturday, 23 September 2023

This Saturday, Abingdon Green Gym had been asked to help the tree volunteers at Hinksey Heights by clearing around the recently planted trees and doing some weeding. The trees are a mixture including rowan, oak and hazel and were planted as part of the community scheme to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the University of Oxford's Botanic Garden, so it is very important for the landowner, John, that they are well maintained to give them the best possible chance of surviving. 10 Green Gymmers were assisted by three of the tree volunteers, Mark, Neil and Lucy, and John also came along to help direct us. He kindly let us have use of the wheelbarrow so that we could transport the tools more easily along the Hinksey Nature Trail to the lower pond area. The trees are located in the dell and we were able to set up our base using the two picnic benches (quite the luxury!) by the pond. It is a site well known to us as we have cleared around the trees in previous years...