Boundary House Fen, Saturday 26th February 2023

This weeks' blog was written by Eleanor D Once again we were at Boundary House Fen, continuing the work of reed cutting and stacking. We were joined by new member, Harry, who is hoping to go into environmental conservation work and who reduced the average age of our group by a few years! It was a fine, sunny day but with a chilly wind as we headed for the fen. One task was to rake up the brambles in the lightly wooded area just above the fen itself. There were some old heaps and Jim was already busy scything the remaining ones. Dieuwke and I set to work raking and stacking them on top of an existing heap of reeds around a tree. The others went on to the fen, the scythers doing to remaining reed cutting and the others raking, stacking and filling the stream in order to spread out the water. During the break we watched a pair of mallards, who had made themselves at home on the fen. Then it was back to work, with me opting for the gentler task of scattering the seeds of Marsh Lousewo...