Elizabeth Dayrush Memorial Garden, Saturday 24th of September 2022

The Abingdon Green Gymmers had a pleasantly chilly start to their session at the Elizabeth Dayrush Memorial Garden, and whilst it is not frost-and-flask weather just yet, it was definitely cool enough for many of us to don our toasty warm green gym fleeces! We met on boars hill by the side gate to the Garden, and awaited the (quite large!) gathering that was due for the morning whilst admiring the hips and haws that were making the place feel all autumnal. We had three main tasks to tackle, all of which were ably explained by Sally, our Session Leader for the day: 1. Scythe the reeds and longer grasses around the pond to allow better access 2. Remove as much of the Crassula helmsii from the pond as possible 3. Clear the lower branches, brambles, and nettles away from the footpaths, an disperse the cuttings on the dead hedges and nature piles around the site Now firstly, a note about Crassula helmsii! This type of Crassula originates from Australia and New Zealand, where it g...