Ock Valley Walk, Town End, 14th September 2019

This Saturday, we were at the Ock Path, Town end and 10 of us met at our usual spot in the St Helen's Court car park. We had a number of tasks including clearing nettles and brambles away from the paths, clearing litter and also cutting overhanging branches from trees, which we are not able to do earlier in the year to avoid disturbing any nesting birds. We also cleared lots of nettles from around the trees that we had planted. Someone has removed stakes and guards from some of the trees, but we found evidence of damage caused to the trunk of one of the young trees by deer scratching. Himalayan Balsam did not escape our attention either, and we managed to pull this where we found it. Rosie assisted by Graham cut back an ash sapling which was growing out of the foundations of the bridge over the weir, to stop it from causing any further damage to the structure and also from causing a nuisance to passers-by. We were very lucky with the weather again with lots of suns...