Abraham Wood, Boars Hill, 19th January 2019

We met on Boars Hill for our meeting today, Donning scarves, hats and gloves for it was cold, wet and grey. Perfect weather, in fact, to be a green gym dodger Yet 16 of us turned out, including new member, Roger. Loaded up with equipment we went to Abraham Wood, The dreaming spires shrouded in mist – the view wasn’t too good. Today was Margaret’s turn to lead our session Along with OPT’s Rachel, keen to make some progression. The woodland had been transformed, with the laurel nearly beat Thanks to a grant from Network Rail on the Trust’s balance sheet. On reaching our base Rachel stood before an old oak tree To give us our tasks, of which there were three: The first was the paths: to rake and make them clear So on either side bluebells and garlic can germinate without fear. This should make for a pleasant wander through the bowers And walkers won’t inadvertently stray, trampling precious wildflowers. The second – the most strenuous – was to dig...