Ock Valley Walk, Tesco End, 29th July 2017

The Tesco End of the Ock Valley Walk is one of our least exciting venues, but our work here is valuable and we are highly-visible to the general public. We also drew the highest turn-out in several weeks this Saturday. As usual, we were here to litter-pick and to continue the seasonal Himalayan Balsam pull. The latter task was the main focus this time as this invasive plant is particularly rampant in this area, beside the River Ock. It was also very much in seed, so we needed to be careful not to aid the spread of it by disturbing the explosive pods in which the seeds are housed. Although only July, it was apparent that many of the fruits associated with late summer or autumn are already ripe. Apples, blackberries, elderberries and others looked to be peaking, therefore good to see that some native vegetation is flourishing despite aggressive invaders such as the Balsam taking over in close proximity. -Andrew Kevin on litter-picking du...