Frilford Heath Golf Club, 23rd January 2016

Today's Green Gym turnout was good with 11 members. The weather was mild as we commenced our trek winding across the Golf Course trying not to disturb the local habitat (the club members) from carrying out their normal routine . On arrival at the Fen we were given clear instruction by Judy and Alison to finish what we started last time we were here (there were only 4/5 of us then), Which was to rake the cut reeds and clear them off the Fen. We soon organised ourselves into teams of rakers and drag bag draggers, swapping jobs every now and then. The ground as you expect had become wet and sodden which made the cut reeds heavier to pitch fork and lift. The coffee break was most needed and being able to stand around and not shelter from the wind or rain was a pleasant change. James who was leading, made a short speech to thank Victor for his enthusiasm and hard work over the year he had been with us and to extend our best wishes on his return to his nativ...