Ock Valley Walk, Town End, 23rd August 2014

Following a impromptu session midweek at Abbey Fishponds, where a number of us helped with a variety of jobs at the nature reserve there, it was back to the Ock Valley Walk on Saturday. Tasks involved the usual maintenance of the woodchip path, further eradication of the invasive Himalayan Balsam, clearing around the recently-planted trees and litter-picking. We met by the bridge across the weir and were pleased to welcome two new members to the group. We had a good turn-out as usual, particularly since many of us live within close proximity of the site and are keen to ensure that it is well looked-after so that ourselves and the wider community can enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Back in March, we planted around sixty trees here - all native UK species, appropriate to the area, most of which are thankfully thriving. This is in addition to the many trees we have planted in previous years, including the memorial tree to one of our former leaders, Chris Thomas, whi...